-Relationship in Jesus through His Words-
Jesus is the Word of God. Reading the words are critical because it both fortifies and transforms our spiritual heart (soul).
This transformation is supernatural and subconscious, just be obedient and READ the Word of God in Jesus while seeking grace and your consciousness on EVERYTHING will change.
It is difficult having a relationship with God without knowing His thoughts through His words, and without it, our relationship with God would be a temporal and physical self-centeredness of our own worldly desires.
Jesus died for our sins, and a spiritual soul being in Jesus through a metaphysical state of grace at our death will reconcile us with God and bring salvation. Jesus is the heart of God, and God only having one heart would only have one Son, and so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
We should focus on the new testament readings of Jesus. The old testament scriptures were the foundation of Moral Law with over 300 prophecies about the coming Messiah's life, death, and victorious resurrection, but Romans 10:4 says "Christ is the end of the law."
You can read the Words of Jesus through a Bible (New Testament), or to really get to the Heart of God find a devotional book
(click on the examples shown below) that only speak the Words that came directly from our Savior.
-Meditate on these words daily-
Build your Foundation
Take 3 minutes a day with the devotional in your hand, and (1) invoke the Holy Spirit by saying "Dear God my Father, I pray to you in Jesus' name, through your Holy Spirit“ and ASK the Father to (a] “allow the Words of the devotional to transform your heart,” and [b] “bring you in closer relationship with Him,” and ASK to be [c] “humbly be one in spirit to with Him,” (2) next say personal prayers that are close to your heart and sharing your hope but trusting that His will be done, then (3) read the Word of God in Jesus
Spirituality starts with a FOUNDATION (reading simple devotional scripture) and FRAMEWORK (in seeking grace through the Trinity) and watch how your drawn to Religion with a FOUNDATION (in church/community) and FRAMEWORK (in church practices/Sacraments/worship).
Grow in Grace
Living a life filled with love and humility in our heart and towards others, and praying with God, and reading the Word of God in Jesus every day will allow us to find grace with God. To achieve a deeper relationship and grow further in grace you can attend a local church to worship and receive sacraments including Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Eucharist, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.
Each of the Sacraments are means by which visible actions and physical matter communicate supernatural realities, and His grace to us, and allow us to participate in the divine life. When we find ourselves in Heaven, we will no longer need physical signs because we will actually be living in the supernatural reality of the Trinity. For now, while we are here, Jesus wants to give us a foretaste of what is to come. These Sacraments are literal opportunities to participate in the divine life–in our physical bodies–while we exist in this physical world on Earth until everything is fulfilled at the end.
It is also important to understand that the more we participate in the divine life while we're here, the more our intimacy and communion with Him deepens. The more our intimacy deepens, the more grace we receive. The more grace we receive and the closer we get to God, the less likely we are to sin. So, there is a direct connection between taking advantage of the gifts of the Sacraments and rooting out the tendency toward sin in our lives, helping us to prepare our hearts for Him.
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day
John 6:54

Our Father has a desire to transform our heart (soul) in His image
There is a design to our God of Trinity (Mind, Heart, Spirit), a design of humans in His image (mind, heart, spirit), and an intended design in our
relationship with Him grounded in love, humility and obedience through the Holy Spirit that was taught to us and reconciled in Jesus through His life, death, and spoken Words. Follow the foundation and framework defined in this website as a blueprint ("design guide") to seek and receive His living flow of grace and transform your soul...it is supernatural and metaphysical and flows freely in our atmosphere.
To reconcile with God is to no longer be in a "temporal" relationship but a "spiritual" relationship with Him which is achieved by seeking and receiving His grace and experiencing an awakening when one in Spirit with Him. This transformation moves from "natural to supernatural" through God and "physical to metaphysical" in us.

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